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Tips For Success

Welcome to the revolution of soothing - the natural way. We hope you’ll soon be getting some much-needed rest! We want our pacifier to be the natural suckling choice that your baby takes just long enough to settle down. Ultimately, we want to be your

Is the Ninni pacifier safe for my baby?

Yes it is. Our silicone is sourced in the USA, BPA, phthalate and PVC free. Our design and materials have passed stringent third party US Consumer Product Testing, approved safe for babies from 0-36 months old.

When can my baby start using a pacifier?

Please consult your pediatrician for advice and professional medical guidance regarding pacifier use. Our device is approved safe for use 0-36 months old.

I am an influencer and I would like to work with you. Who should I contact?

We look forward to talking with you! Please email us at: [email protected]

How do I clean it?

We recommend washing the pacifier before first use with mild soap and boiling water for 3 mins. Ensure pacifier is dry before giving it to baby. Wash pacifier regularly and inspect before each use.

I primarily bottle feed my baby. Is the Ninni pacifier a good choice?

It’s a great choice no matter how you choose to feed your baby. Our pacifier helps maintain healthy oral motor and tooth development, while also encouraging proper jaw strength.

Why is the Ninni pacifier a good choice for a breastfed baby?

Breastfed babies utilize a different set of oral motor muscles when feeding and latched on to mother. In contrast to the pursed lip, tight mouth grasp babies utilize on a conventional pacifier or bottle, the NinniCo. pacifier activates the muscles an

My baby is not using the pacifier, why?

Our design is unlike anything else on the market. They may need to get used to it. Like all things new, introducing something like the NinniCo. pacifier can take some time to get used to. Help your baby acclimate by introducing it throughout the day,